Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day everyone!  I am enjoying my day with Mommy and Daddy.  We are relaxing and spending time together.  We also got to go back to the pool today.  Such a wonderful weekend with all of my friends and family!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I am already a Little Fish!

Daddy and Uncle Arin took me into the swimming pool for the very first time today!  I wasn't quite sure what to think about it, but I had so much fun!  I am so happy that Uncle Eric and Nina and Uncle Greg and Mary were there with me....

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I live for the weekends!

I am so excited that it is the weekend and that Daddy is off of work for 3 days in a row:)  Today was a special day....all of my family and friends got to visit me and we played outside.  I got to see my MiMi and Poppy; Uncle Arin and Melissa; Aunt Heather, Danny and Hunter; Uncle Greg, Mary, Emily and Will; Tara, Ricky, lil Ricky and Riley.  We had so much fun playing in the sun!!

I had the best seat in the house....

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ring, Ring...hello!

Watch out Mommy and Daddy, I already love to gab on the phone:)  My coordination is getting so good that I can reach out and grab the phone now.  I keep trying to push the buttons, but I can't hit them hard enough to make noise yet.  But, Mommy always helps me and it makes me smile so big. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I got to see Daddy at Work!

Mommy and I went to meet Daddy and his coworkers for lunch today.  I got to see where Daddy works and meet so many new people.  Of course, I got hungry watching them eat all of their yummy food so I decided that I wanted to eat too:)  I wish I could visit Daddy at work every day!!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcome to Moe's!

Mommy and I went to meet her friend from work, Liz, for lunch today at Moe's.  I smiled every time that they said "Welcome to Moe's".  I am such a happy baby!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I LOVE my Grammie!

Grammie came to visit me this weekend and we had so much fun together!!  She sang to me, rocked me, and played with me all weekend long.  She even watched me so that Mommy and Daddy could go out on a date and to the gym together:)  She didn't want to put me down all weekend...not even during church.  I love her so much and I hate that it took her almost 10 hours to get back home:(  But, I am so happy that she came to visit me and can't wait to see her again real soon!

Me and Grammie in my new outfit that she bought me:)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Big Canoe Can't Handle Me...

Today Mommy and I went to visit MiMi, Poppy, Aunt Heather and Hunter at MiMi's house.  I played with my cousin and entertained everyone with my smiles and cooing.  We took a wonderful stroll in the woods and went to eat lunch at the club.  I was so exhausted by the time that I got home!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Picture Perfect!

Today I went with Mommy and MiMi to get my picture taken.  I really don't like being fussed with and would just rather do my own thing.  But, I made Mommy happy by taking some good pictures with her....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mommy Says...

Mommy says that I keep looking more and more like my Daddy every day.  It's a good thing that he is so darn cute:)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sitting Pretty!

Mommy brought out my Bumbo Chair for the first time today.  I loved sitting in it so that I could see everything going on around me.  It is helping my head, neck and back get strong so that I can sit by myself soon.

I'm A Big Girl Now...

Last night, I slept in my big girl bed for the first time ever.  I didn't like it very much and kept waking up every few hours.  But, Mommy and Daddy kept putting me back in it every time I fell asleep.  It may take me a little while before I learn to love it....

Friday, May 13, 2011

Shop til you Drop!

Today I got to go out to eat and shopping at the Outlet Mall with Mommy and MiMi.  I was having so much fun that I fought sleep the entire time.  Mommy got me some new clothes even though I already have a closet full of clothes that I will probably never get to wear...I think that she may have a problem:)  But, she did finally find me some cute hair bows for my crazy hair....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My New Toy....

Doug and Jennie Williams brought me a new toy last is so much fun to play with on my activity center.  It helps me with my coordination and recognition of sounds.  Watch me play....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I am such a happy baby!

I have been giving my Mommy and Daddy lots of smiles lately.  Too bad Mommy isn't a good photographer...she is having problems getting them on camera:)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mommy's First Mother's Day

Today I celebrated Mother's Day with my Mommy, MiMi and Aunt Heather.  On Saturday, Grammie got Mommy a much needed massage and Mommy got flowers from Grandpa and Cindy and Aunt Jenna and Alexander.  On Sunday, Daddy cooked Mommy her favorite breakfast...chocolate chip pancakes and gave her a beautiful charm bracelet with my name and birthdate engraved on it.  We met MiMi and Poppy, Aunt Heather, Tyler, Hunter, and Uncle Arin at the flower shop to buy flowers for MiMi and then we went to Aunt Heather's for dinner.  Mommy even got to drink her new favorite champage, Cristal, as we all enjoyed spending time together.  The only thing that could have made this day better would have been a visit with Grammie...I sure did miss her!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Me and Uncle Jonathan

I FINALLY got to meet my Uncle Jonathan this week.  He was so nice that he helped me set up this blog to share with all of my family and friends.  I am going to miss him so much when he travels to Argentina this summer.  I love him so much!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My first Adjustment....

Today I got to meet my Aunt Maureen in her office in Buckhead where she gave me my first chiropractic adjustment.  She also found out that I am allergic to dairy....too bad for Mommy.  But, I feel much better after visiting her.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I LOVE my Aunts!

I finally got to meet my Aunt Kelly and Aunt April this weekend.  I am so in love with them.  They loved and kissed on me all weekend long.  I can't wait to see them again in June!
I love my Aunt Kelly - the best Godmamma ever!

Aunt April feeding me a bottle

I was worn out when they left:)