Monday, August 22, 2011

I didn't want Grammie to leave!!!

My Grammie came to visit me again this weekend and we had so much fun together, like always!  She watched me while Mommy and Daddy did yard work and went out on a date.  I showed her all of my new tricks and we played nonstop.  I didn't want her to leave me - I even reached out for her to give her a hug before she left.  I can't wait to see her again in a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I am 5 Months Old!!!

Mommy just can't believe it...I am already 5 months old.  She says that I am becoming quite the character too....I love to roll around on the floor, laugh and make squeeling noises.  I also think it is funny to get everyone's attention by coughing whenever I get put into the carseat, swing or stroller.  Watch out Mommy and Daddy - I may become an actress!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What a Relaxing Weekend!

I had such a good weekend with Mommy and Daddy.  On Friday night, we went to MiMi and Poppy's for a sleepover and I got to sleep in a fun crib.  On Saturday, we went to PapPap and Nanny's and hung out on the boat all day.  I was such a good girl for Mommy and Daddy and slept more than 12 hours each night:)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My New Favorite Toy!

Daddy built my muscial activity set this week and boy is it fun!!!  Even though I can't reach the ground with my feet yet, I am having so much fun playing with all the toys and spinning around in the chair.  Thank you so much to all of Grammie's friends at school for getting it for me.  Mommy thinks it will be my favorite toy for a long, long time!!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Home Depot Baby!

I brightened Mommy's day today by visiting her at work in my pretty fairy princess dress.  Mommy took me all around her office to meet so many people before we ate lunch in the Home Depot cafeteria.  I was so exhausted by the end of my trip that I fell asleep at her office and didn't wake up until Miss Maggie got me home:)

On Main Street, Home Depot USA with Mommy!

Laying on Mommy's desk at work!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Doctor, Doctor...Give Me the News!

Mommy took me to the doctor this morning for my 4 month check-up.  He said that I am doing great!  I weigh 13 lbs, 11 oz (50th percentile) and I am 25 inches long (90th percentile).  I did all of my tricks for the doctor - I rolled over (both ways), did push ups, sat up straight and grabbed anything that he put in front of me. 

Here I am playing with a toy while waiting for the doctor:)