Sunday, September 25, 2011

My First Winery!

I went to visit my first winery today with Mommy, Daddy, MiMi, Poppy, Uncle Arin and Aunt Melissa.  I charmed everyone with my sweet smiles. 

Playing with my cousin Tyler!

I played with my cousin Tyler all morning at MiMi and Poppy's.  He thought it was so funny to put this "hat" on my head.  Silly Tyler:)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

MiMi and Poppy!

I had so much fun playing at MiMi and Poppy's today.  We played outside all day and then they watched me while Mommy and Daddy went out on a date.  I was having so much fun that I didn't want to go to sleep:)

New Gear....

Mommy and Daddy bought me a new stroller and a new high chair today.  I am loving them both.  I love how I can sit up and see everything in the new stroller....

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!

Mommy and Daddy celebrated their 5 year anniversary today!  Miss Maggie helped me get them a cake and card to help celebrate.  Mommy was so happy that she almost cried:)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

This is a fun new seat!

Mommy and Daddy are so silly!  They put me in the sink to play today!  Crazy, crazy:)

I am such a big girl now!!!

I am such a big girl now.  I can sit up perfectly and ride in a stroller like a big girl.  It won't be long before I start walking...

Lola is so Funny

Lola is such a funny dog.  I love to laugh at her while she plays with Daddy.....

Coupon Clipping....

My favorite thing came in the mail today....a whole envelope of coupons.  Mommy normally throws them away, but now they are toys that seem to occupy me for hours.....

Play Me a Song....

Apparently Mommy and Daddy want me to be a piano player when I grow up.  They bought me two cool piano toys that light up and make music.  I love to play the piano....with my hands and my feet:)


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

No More Cookies for Me!

Mommy and Miss Maggie said that I can't have any more cookies after I got choked on one today (and scared them to death).  Oh well, at least I still get lots of milk and baby food:) 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I am 6 Months Old!!!!

Mommy says that time sure does fly when you love life!  I am six months old already.  Happy Half Birthday to Me!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Shopping Like a Big Girl

I went grocery shopping with Mommy and Daddy tonight and I got to ride in the cart like a big girl.  I enjoyed being able to see everything as we walked down the aisles.  Shopping is way more fun when you can see (and grab) everything around!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's Football Time!

It is definitely football time at the Simile house and I am loving it!  Uncle Arin and Melissa, Aunt Heather, Danny and Hunter all came over to watch the games today.  Even though the Steelers and Falcons both lost (booooo), I had fun sitting outside with my cousin Hunter while watching the boys play football.  This is the life!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hanging with my Uncle Eric!

I got to go visit Uncle Eric and Aunt Nina today.  We walked all around their neighborhood (with lots of stairs) and went out to eat dinner at Taco Mac!  I can't wait until I get bigger and can go camping with Uncle Eric and Daddy...oh, the trouble we will get into:)


Sipping from the Sippy Cup!

I am such a big girl now - I can even sip from my very own sippy cup....

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bye, Bye North Carolina!

Mommy and I flew back to Atlanta from North Carolina today.  Even though our flight was delayed because of bad thunderstorms, Grammie stayed and waited with us so that she could spend a little bit longer with me.  Mommy tried to sneak Grammie on the plane with us back to Atlanta but she didn't make it.  I hope she will come visit me soon!

Rocking in the Bear Rocking Chair at the Airport in NC!

I got to see a real train up close!

Grammie put my feet in shackles in hopes that I would stay in NC:)

Myrtle's Wedding

I had such a good weekend with my Mommy and Grammie.  Mommy and I flew to New Bern, NC to go to Myrtle's wedding.  While Mommy was doing all sorts of fun wedding stuff, I got to hang out with Grammie.  We walked all around the city and I gave lots of smiles (and flirts) to all the strangers.  Everyone thought I was just the cutest thing....

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I'm a Harley Girl..

I went with Daddy to the Harley store (for the first of many times) today.  I loved looking around and listening to all of the loud bikes.  I even got a new stuffed doggie that barks.  He is bad to the bone:)


My Future Boyfriend!

I got to hang out with my future boyfriend, Will, today!  We are going to be best of friends when we grow up....