Sunday, July 29, 2012

Jayden's Summer Pics!

Our 16 month old beautiful princess...

Jayden and Hunter!

Jayden and Hunter are the best of friends already - we can't wait to watch them grow up together:)

They only look sweet and innocent:)

Uncle Arin reading to the girls

Aunt Heather playing with the girls

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jayden visits Mayberry!

Mommy and Jayden went to Mayberry this week after the beach.  We visited Floyd's barber shop, Mommy's old school, and lots of family.  We had a blast!

Jayden visits Mt. Airy High School

Jayden visits Mommy's old babysitter, Ernestine

Eating at Olympia

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Hanging out with Grandpa and Archie!

At the Memorial Fountain on Main Street

Daddy would be proud - she picked the Harley

Jayden with Grandpa and CiCi

Jayden with Grandpa and Great Grandma Thacker

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jayden's First Trip to the Beach!

Jayden had such a good trip to the beach for the first time with her Mommy and Grammie this week.  It took her a little while to warm up to the sand and the ocean, but she sure did love the pool (even though she was sick for most of the trip).  We got to go to the aquarium, take long walks, and eat some good food.  We had such a great time!  But, we missed our Daddy and wished he could be there too!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane....

Mommy and Jayden went on a plane to see Grammie at the beach today:)  Jayden was sad to say goodbye to Daddy but she was so great on the airplane.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jayden's First Haircut!

Jayden got her first haricut today from Miss Tracy at the more rat tail:)

Big Shoes to Fill...

Daddy sure does have big shoes to fill...but Jayden looks like she is up for the challenge:)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Jayden is going to be such a great big sister....

She takes great care of her little babies....she loves to feed them, change them, and cover them with blankets.  So cute!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Jayden Loves to Color:)

Jayden found the crayons and markers....she loves to color.  So far, she has only colored on the wall once...of course, with a red crayon:)